The Greener Grass

The grass is not always greener on the other side as we all expected.

Every day we have to learn to love and appreciate ourselves for what we are and wat we have become.

Thank God for all the challenges and tribulations because they give us the strength to have the confidence and more faith in him

In life we keep comparing ourselves with others and yes, all that steals our joy because we fail to see the beauty within us. We fail to clearly see the stars beyond the sky

Comparison is a theif of joy

We keep hoping to have wat others have

We are in this search of who we really are, we are looking harder by comparing ourselves with other people, we doubt who we are and who we can be.

Lord, show me what to do, who to be. Give me the courage and boldness to stand strong to be who I want to be walking the path u want me to walk, u are my identity, u are in me and I am in you. Your word is spirit and it’s life.

The word of God becomes healing to every other word the enemy said you are when u are not. ❤️❤️

Written by:

Martha Atwine

Published by Martha Atwine

Am just a jolly girl who has always felt different in this world but found peace in writing my emotions that is why I have chosen to shall them with the world 😉

2 thoughts on “The Greener Grass

  1. This is really good stuff. Indeed, we as believers need to find our identity in Christ because it’s only He who gives us purpose. Thanks for writing this blog. By the way, your other blogs are dope; they are really nice.

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